config. BgImg = '' // Path to background image, none if empty string ''
config. BorderColor = '#003099'
config. BorderStyle = 'solid' // Any permitted CSS value, but I recommend 'solid', 'dotted' or 'dashed'
config. BorderWidth = 1
config. CenterMouse = false // false or true - center the tip horizontally below (or above) the mousepointer
config. ClickClose = false // false or true - close tooltip if the user clicks somewhere
config. ClickSticky = false // false or true - make tooltip sticky if user left-clicks on the hovered element while the tooltip is active
config. CloseBtn = false // false or true - closebutton in titlebar
config. CloseBtnColors = ['#990000', '#FFFFFF', '#DD3333', '#FFFFFF'] // [Background, text, hovered background, hovered text] - use empty strings '' to inherit title colours
config. CloseBtnText = ' X ' // Close button text (may also be an image tag)
config. CopyContent = true // When converting a HTML element to a tooltip, copy only the element's content, rather than converting the element by its own
config. Delay = 400 // Time span in ms until tooltip shows up
config. Duration = 0 // Time span in ms after which the tooltip disappears; 0 for infinite duration, < 0 for delay in ms _after_ the onmouseout until the tooltip disappears
config. FadeIn = 0 // Fade-in duration in ms, e.g. 400; 0 for no animation
config. FadeOut = 0
config. FadeInterval = 30 // Duration of each fade step in ms (recommended: 30) - shorter is smoother but causes more CPU-load
config. Fix = null // Fixated position, two modes. Mode 1: x- an y-coordinates in brackets, e.g. [210, 480]. Mode 2: Show tooltip at a position related to an HTML element: [ID of HTML element, x-offset, y-offset from HTML element], e.g. ['SomeID', 10, 30]. Value null (default) for no fixated positioning.
config. FollowMouse = true // false or true - tooltip follows the mouse
config. FontColor = '#000044'
config. FontFace = 'Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif'
config. FontSize = '8pt' // E.g. '9pt' or '12px' - unit is mandatory
config. FontWeight = 'normal' // 'normal' or 'bold';
config. Height = 0 // Tooltip height; 0 for automatic adaption to tooltip content, < 0 (e.g. -100) for a maximum for automatic adaption
config. JumpHorz = false // false or true - jump horizontally to other side of mouse if tooltip would extend past clientarea boundary
var tt_aElt = new Array(10), // Container DIV, outer title & body DIVs, inner title & body TDs, closebutton SPAN, shadow DIVs, and IFRAME to cover windowed elements in IE
tt_aV = new Array(), // Caches and enumerates config data for currently active tooltip
tt_sContent, // Inner tooltip text or HTML
tt_t2t, tt_t2tDad, // Tag converted to tip, and its DOM parent element
tt_scrlX = 0, tt_scrlY = 0,
tt_musX, tt_musY,
tt_x, tt_y, tt_w, tt_h; // Position, width and height of currently displayed tooltip
function tt_Extension()
tt_aExt[tt_aExt.length] = this;
return this;
function tt_SetTipPos(x, y)
var css = tt_aElt[0].style;
tt_x = x;
tt_y = y;
css.left = x + "px"; = y + "px";
var ifrm = tt_aElt[tt_aElt.length - 1];
{ = css.left; =;
function tt_HideInit()
tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "HideInit");
tt_iState &= ~0x4;
if(tt_flagOpa && tt_aV[FADEOUT])
var n = Math.round(tt_aV[FADEOUT] / (tt_aV[FADEINTERVAL] * (tt_aV[OPACITY] / tt_opa)));
tt_Fade(tt_opa, tt_opa, 0, n);
tt_tHide.Timer("tt_Hide();", 1, false);
function tt_Hide()
if(tt_db && tt_iState)
if(tt_iState & 0x2)
tt_aElt[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Hide");
if(!tt_op && !tt_ie)
tt_bWait = false;
tt_RemEvtFnc(document, "mouseup", tt_OnLClick);
tt_ExtCallFncs(0, "Kill");
// In case of a TagToTip tip, hide converted DOM node and